Sunday, October 3, 2010

Time for some shortcuts!!

Usage of mouse all the time to navigate is not so ergonomic, is it? Today I and my friend had nothing else to do so tried out many combinations of key strokes to see what happened. Here are some that might be interesting!

For navigation purpose:
-> Well some of you may be knowing that to go to the previous directory in
your Explorer, be it your internet explorer or the file one, you can use
backspace key.
But do you know that to navigate forward you can use shift + backspace?
for e.g search anything in google and go to the first webpage. now press
and you will reach back to the search result and now press shift + backspace.
-> You may use windows + D for navigating to the desktop. And press it again to go
back to return to your application.

-> The function keys do have some use in notepad.
-> First is F1: for help
-> Next is F5: for date and time. (Who needs it?)
-> Next is F10: To go to the menubar. If you dont want to use the function keys you
may also use atl button followed by the underlined letter in the respective
field e.g alt + f for file menu.

More will be coming soon!

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