Thursday, January 6, 2011

Battleship for Windows Mobile

    Addiction may cause you to do several things.It makes the some steal from or hurt someone. Well, in my case it made me write more than thousand lines of code. My addiction is to the game of Battleship.
  In case you are wondering what it is, well in this game you are supposed to search for the enemy's fleet of battleships before he finds yours.You have to keep hitting till you completely destroy the fleet. Its quite a fun to play the game.
  When I formatted the hard-drive of my computer I foolishly forgot to backup the game.Hence I had no choice but to search for it. But I got a PC version of the game.So, being overcome by the addiction I just thought of making my own version for the Windows phone(coz it's the easiest to code!).
 So after an evening of coding the basic version of the game was ready. Then all that was left was some improvisation in interface but that could wait. First I had my game-lust to be satisfied. Well as it turns out even after 7 days I still haven't improved the interface but I am able to play the game so no complains!
  Anyways now I am planning to make a multiplayer version of the game and will need some time to make that happen but I am on it. In case anyone wants to try it out just mail me.

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