Monday, January 31, 2011

A simple Google Search Gadget

  For designing a new-homepage for myself(yeah I do that a lot!), I wanted a google search gadget.So, as usual I decided to make one for myself.Just a simple tweak to one of the online tutorial javascripts and I had a javascript that could be used for google search!
Here's the script that I came up with.

<script type="text/javascript">
function search()
var searchkey = getElementById('mytext');
if(myTextField.value != "")
alert("Would you please enter some text?");

To complete the gadget, You need a text-box and a button.Also you need to use 'mytext' as the text-box's id and 'search()' as the onclick event for the button.
So the remaining code is:

<input type='text' id='mytext' /><br>
<input type='button' value='search' onclick='search()' />

This simple script doesn't pass all the parameters that Google does,but I am not Google, am I? This thing does the job so whats the problem? You can make the same thing for Bing by just replacing with . Also you can make it site specific by using this line:


Enjoy scripting!

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