Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Firefox 4 by default disables all tab preview Option

On the release of the firefox 4 beta 6, I had blogged about my reviews.But, recently many people were asking me about tab-candy feature of firefox 4. So just while exploring this feature I found out that Firefox had simply disabled one of it's features.
The tab preview option comes disabled by default in firefox 4.The reason maybe that there is already a tab-candy option, where you can do much more than just preview the tabs. The tab-candy feature being more important and dear to the firefox 4 team, they want to give more importance to it and hence have disabled the preview.
I am not against any such step, I just wanted to let everyone know that the tabs preview option still exists and can be enabled by going into about:config and double clicking on browser.allTabs.previews option.
I hope the post will be useful to atleast one or two people.Anyways, there will be more posts from me so stay tuned to this page!

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